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Hark Values


We believe collaboration between ourselves and our customers delivers the most effective results.

We are sensitive in our communications with each other and with our customers.
We recognise that we each have our own perspective.

We work to fix an issue, so it does not get repeated, rather than apportion blame.

We are always looking for more creative ways to work.
We learn and adapt from our experiences.

Sharing our knowledge and skills.
Responding swiftly to requests for help.
Helping others achieve their goals.

Recognize and value the unique contribution that individuals make.
Listening and responding to the concerns of others

If there is a problem, we fix it and future-proof the process, so it does not happen again.
If an action is missed, we look at the process and documentation.

We value honesty.
We believe that we should be transparent in all interactions with customers and each other.

We shift or change our approach when challenges arise

Actively seeking better solutions, rather than simply fixing problems.
If a discussion highlights a communication challenge, we evolve the communication.

If we make a mistake, we own it with the customer.
If we believe that a colleague’s behaviour is contrary to our values, we will address it with them.
If a prospect wants to buy, but misunderstands our offer, or we do not feel our solution is right for them, we walk away.

Willingness to evolve ways of working to adapt to changing circumstances.
Adapting our offer to suit individual needs.

the willingness of a group of people to work together to achieve a common aim.

showing an ability to understand and share the feelings of another.

having or intended to have a useful or beneficial purpose.

relating to or involving the use of the imagination or original ideas to create something.

free of deceit; truthful and sincere.

able to adjust to new conditions.


Examples - relevant to both staff and customers


We believe that by holding these values and actively embracing them in the work environment, we build trust in each other and our customers.

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