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Connecting Buyers to Your Brand Story


The Challenge:

Continuing pressure on retailers in challenging times means buying decisions are subject to more scrutiny than previously.  Buyers who struggle to see the big picture or understand a brand’s values won’t fully engage as the correlation between brand stories and products themselves

are not properly understood. Not only is valuable investment in marketing effort wasted, but the lack of a compelling brand story to support the product can have a direct negative impact on sales performance.


For Product and Marketing Teams, the linking of brand values, marketing stories, colour palettes, trends etc direct to products really embeds those key messages in the minds of both the sales team and buyers. Demonstrating product expertise alongside the brand’s strategic vision deepens buyer engagement. Tools such as aWorkbook and aView enable sales teams to present the key brand and marketing stories alongside the products, giving the buyer confidence in their purchasing decisions and helping differentiate your brand from your competitors, leading to improved sales.

Our Software and Services

The Solution:


Designed for selling, whether virtually or #IRL. Plan, present and take orders.

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Experienced, knowledgeable and with an amazing eye for detail – experts in managing your product information.

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